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בית הספר למדעי המחשב

המכללה האקדמית תל-אביב

פרופ' יהודה רודיטי

פרופ' יהודה רודיטי

הצגה: רשמי, שנתי, לינארי.

רשימת פרסומים

84 A. Averbuch, L. Kosachevski and Y. Roditty. Construction of minimumm-Time-Relaxed ($m \geq 1$) broadcast hypergraphs, Submitted.
83 A. Bialostocki, Y. Roditty and R. Zigdon. On some coloring problems, In preparation.
82 I. Krasikov, Y. Roditty and B.D. Thatte. New results on the edge-reconstruction Conjecture, Submitted.
81 I. Krasikov, Y. Roditty and B.D. Thatte. Class reconstruction of trees, Submitted.
80 Y. Roditty and R. Zigdon. New upper bound of the monotone paths in complete graphs, In preparation.
79 G. Dror, A. Lev, Y. Roditty and R. Zigdon. On the rainbow connection number of graphs, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 133, עמודים 51–67, 2017.
78 A. Averbuch, I. Peer and Y. Roditty. New Construction of Minimum $m$-Time-Relaxed $k$-Broadcasting networks, Networks, כרך 70, מספר 2, עמודים 72–78, June 2017.
77 R. Hollander and Y. Roditty. Gossiping and Set-To-Set broadcasting in weighted Graphs, J. of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computation, כרך 100, עמודים 9–25, February 2017.
76 S. Gilboa and Y. Roditty. Anti-Ramsey numbers with small connected components, Graph and Combinatorics, כרך 32, מספר 2, עמודים 649- 662, 2016. arxiv
75 R. Hollander and Y. Roditty. Line broadcasting in complete $k$-ary tree, Networks, כרך 62, מספר 2, עמודים 139–14, 2016. arxiv
74 A. Bialostocki, S. Gilboa and Y. Roditty. Anti-Ramsey numbers of small graphs, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 123, עמודים 41–53, October 2015. arxiv
73 A. Averbuch, R. Hollander and Y. Roditty. Efficient construction of broadcast graphs, Discrete Appl. Math, כרך 171, עמודים 9–14, July 2014. arxiv
72 A. Averbuch, Y. Roditty and N. Zaidenderg. Peer-2-peer streaming and algorithm for creating spanning trees For peer-2-peer networks, באוסף S. Repin, T. Tichonen and T. Tuovinen (עורכים), Numerical methods for Differential Equation, Optimization And Technological problems, עמודים 363–377, Springer, 2013.
71 A. Averbuch, R. Hollander and Y. Roditty. $k$-port line-broadcasting in trees, J. of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computation, כרך 77, עמודים 125–160, May 2011.
70 G. Kplan, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. On zero-sum oartitions and anti-magic trees, Discrete Math., כרך 309, עמודים 2010–2014, 2009.
69 Y. Roditty and I. Rosenblum-Gaber. The depression of a graph and the diameter of its line graph, Discrete Math., כרך 309, עמודים 1774–1778, 2009.
68 G. Kaplan, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. On Graph labeling problems and regular factorization of complete graphs, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 92, עמודים 225–243, July 2009.
67 Y. Caro, A. Lev, Y. Roditty, Z. Tuza and R. Yuster. On rainbow connectivity, Electronic J. of Combinatorics, כרך 15, מספר 1, April 18, 2008.
66 G. Kaplan, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. Bertrand's Postulate: The Prime number Theorem and product anti-magic graphs, Discrete Math., כרך 308, עמודים 787–794, March 28, 2008.
65 Y. Roditty and Y. Caro. Connected coloring of graphs, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 70, עמודים 191–196, 2004.
64 G. Dror, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. A note: some results in step domination of trees, Discrete Math., כרך 289, מספר 1--3, עמודים 137–144, December 28, 2004.
63 N. Alon, G. Kaplan, A. Lev, Y. Roditty and R. Yuster. Dense graphs are antimagic, J. of Graph Theory, כרך 47, מספר 4, עמודים 297–309, October 5, 2004.
62 G. Kaplan, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. Gracefulness, Group sequencing and graph factorization, באוסף C. M. Campbell, E.F. Robertson and London Math. Society G.C. Smith (עורכים), Groups St. Andrews 2001 in Oxford, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 305, עמודים 295–305, Cambridge University Press, November 6, 2003.
61 Y. Caro, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. Some results on the step domination of a graph, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 68, עמודים 105–114, July 2003.
60 Y. Caro, Y. Roditty and J. Schonheim. On colored designs –– III: on $\lambda$-colored $H$-designs, $H$ having $\lambda$ edges, Discrete Appl. Math., כרך 247, מספר 1--3, עמודים 51–64, March 1, 2002.
59 A. Averbuch, Y. Roditty and B. Shoham. On time-relaxed broadcasting in communication networks, JCMCC, כרך 43, עמודים 123–134, 2002.
58 G. Kaplan, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. Transitive large sets of disjoint decompositions and group sequensing, Discrete Math, כרך 254, מספר 1--3, עמודים 207–219, 2002.
57 A. Averbuch, I. Gaber and Y. Roditty. Low-cost minimum-time line-broadcasting schemes in complete binary trees, Networks, כרך 38, מספר 4, עמודים 189–193, December 2001.
56 A. Averbuch, Y. Roditty and B. Shoham. Efficient line broadcasting in a d-dimensional grid, Discrete Appl. Math, כרך 113, מספר 2--3, עמודים 129–141, October 2001.
55 G. Kaplan, A. Lev and Y. Roditty. Regular Oberwolfach problems and group sequencing, J. Combin. Theory (Ser A), כרך 96, מספר 1, עמודים 1–19, October 2001.
54 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. On some Ramsey numbers of unicyclic graphs, Bulletin of the ICA, כרך 33, עמודים 29–34, September 2001.
53 O. Berkman, M. Parnas and Y. Roditty. All cycles are edge-magic, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 59, עמודים 145–151, April 2001.
52 Y. Roditty, B. Shoham and R. Yuster. Monotone paths in edge-ordered sparse graphs, Discrete Math, כרך 226, מספר 1--3, עמודים 411–427, January 6, 2001.
51 A. Averbuch, Y. Roditty and B. Shoham. Computation of broadcasting multiple messages in a positive weighted tree, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Computation, כרך 11, עמודים 161–183, 2000.
50 T. Bachar and Y. Roditty. A note on edge-magic cycles, Bulletin of the ICA, כרך 29, עמודים 94–97, 2000.
49 A. Averbuch, Y. Roditty and B. Shoham. Performance analysis of hybrid network multiprocessor architecture, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, כרך 12, מספר 9, עמודים 821–844, August 22, 2000.
48 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. Improved bounds for the product of the domination and chromatic numbers of a graph, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 56, עמודים 189–191, July 2000.
47 Y. Caro, Y. Roditty and J. Schonheim. Covering designs with minimum overlap, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 55, עמודים 3–23, April 2000.
46 A. Lev and Y. Roditty. On Hering decomposition of $DK_n$ induced by group actions on conjugancy classes, European J. Of Combinatorics, כרך 21, מספר 3, עמודים 379–393, March 2000.
45 A. Averbuch, Y. Roditty and B. Shoham. Scheduling tasks of multi-join queries in a multiprocessor, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, כרך 11, מספר 5, עמודים 247–279, April 30, 1999.
44 Y. Roditty and B. Shoham. On Broadcasting multiple messages in a d-dimensional grid, Discrete Appl. Math., כרך 75, מספר 3, עמודים 277–284, June 6, 1997.
43 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. On reconstruction problem for sequences, J. Combin. Theory (Ser A), כרך 77, מספר 2, עמודים 344–348, February 1997.
42 Y. Caro, Y. Roditty and J. Schonheim. On colored designs — I, Discrete Math., כרך 164, מספר 1--3, עמודים 47–65, February 10, 1997.
41 Y. Roditty. One problem –- two solutions in Euclidean Geometry, Int. J. Math. Edu. Sci. Tech., כרך 27, עמודים 313–317, 1996.
40 Y. Roditty. Packing and covering of the complete graph V: The forests of order six and their multiple copies, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 44, עמודים 55–64, December 1996.
39 B. Arbel, I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Dirichlet Principle and the idea of coloring (in Hebrew), 1995.
38 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. On zero-sum Turan numbers for trees, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 40, עמודים 89–96, August 1995.
37 Y. Caro, Y. Roditty and J. Schonheim. On colored designs – II, Discrete Math., כרך 138, מספר 1--3, עמודים 177–186, March 6, 1995.
36 Y. Caro, I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. A zero-sum partition theorem for graphs, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., כרך 17, עמודים 697–702, 1994.
35 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Bounds on the harmonious chromatic number of a graph, J. Graph Theory, כרך 18, מספר 2, עמודים 205–209, March 1994.
34 Y. Caro, I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. On induced subtrees of a tree with odd degrees., Discrete Math., כרך 125, מספר 1--3, עמודים 101–106, February 15, 1994.
33 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. Acyclic edge-colorings of sparse graphs, Appl. Math. Lett., כרך 7, מספר 1, עמודים 63–67, January 1994.
32 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. More on vertex-switching reconstruction, J. Combin. Theory (Ser B), כרך 60, מספר 1, עמודים 40–55, January 1994.
31 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. On decomposition of graphs into non-isomorphic independent sets, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 35, עמודים 97–102, 1993.
30 Y. Roditty. Packing and covering of the complete graph IV: The trees of order seven, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 35, עמודים 33–64, 1993.
29 Y. Roditty. On zero-sum Ramsey numbers of multiple copies of a graph., Ars Combinatoria, כרך 35A, עמודים 89–95, 1993.
28 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. On zero-sum Turan numbers problems of Bialostocki and Dierker, J. Australian Math. Soc. (Ser A), כרך 53, מספר 3, עמודים 402–407, 1992.
27 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Switching reconstruction and Diophantine equations, J. Combin. Theory (Ser B), כרך 54, מספר 2, עמודים 189–195, March 1992.
26 Y. Caro, I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. On the largest subtree of given maximal degree in connected graphs, J. Graph Theory, כרך 15, מספר 1, עמודים 7–13, March 1991.
25 A. Bialostocki, Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. On zero-sum Turan numbers, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 29A, עמודים 117–127, 1990.
24 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. Some results on $k$-factor of trees, Scientia (Ser A), כרך 3, עמודים 1–4, 1990.
23 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. A note on packing trees into complete bipartite graphs and Fishburn’s Conjecture, Discrete Math., כרך 82, עמודים 323–326, 1990.
22 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. A note on the $k$-domination number of a graph, Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci., כרך 13, עמודים 205–206, 1990.
21 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Las-Vegnas type condition for trees, באוסף R. Bodendick and R. Henn (עורכים), Topics in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, עמודים 443–449, Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 1990.
20 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Recent applications of the Nash-Williams’ Lemma to the edge-reconstruction conjecture, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 29A, עמודים 215–224, 1990.
19 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Some applications of the Nash-Williams’ Lemma to the edge-reconstruction conjecture, Graph and Combinatorics, כרך 6, עמודים 37–39, March 1990.
18 Y. Roditty. Quick cancellation — An investigatory problem for high school students, Mathematics in School, כרך 18, עמודים 28–29, 1989.
17 A. Alon, Y. Caro, I. Krasikov. and Y. Roditty. Combinatorial reconstruction problems, J. Combin. Theory (Ser B ), כרך 47, מספר 2, עמודים 153–161, October 1989.
16 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Counting technique in reconstruction problems, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 25B, עמודים 133–140, 1988.
15 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Geometrical Reconstructions, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 25B, עמודים 211– 219, 1988.
14 Y. Roditty. Packing and covering of the complete graph III: On the tree packing conjecture, Scientia (Ser A), כרך 1, עמודים 81–86, 1988.
13 A. Bialostocki and Y. Roditty. A monotone path in an edge-odered graph, Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci., כרך 10, עמודים 315–320, 1987.
12 C. D. Godsil, I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Reconstructing graphs from their $k$-edge deleted subgraphs, J. Combin. Theory (Ser B), כרך 43, מספר 3, עמודים 360–363, December 1987.
11 y I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Balance equations for reconstruction problems, Archiv Der Mathematik, כרך 48, עמודים 458–464, May 1987.
10 Y. Roditty. Packing and covering of the complete graph I: The forests of order five, Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci., כרך 9, עמודים 277–282, 1986.
9 Y. Caro, I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. Spanning trees and some edge-reconstructible graphs I., Ars Combinatoria, כרך 20A, עמודים 109–118, 1985.
8 Y. Caro and Y. Roditty. On the vertex-independence number and star decomposition of graphs, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 20, עמודים 167–180, 1985.
7 I. Krasikov and Y. Roditty. The edge reconstruction and reconstruction from vertex switching of graphs, Technical Report, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel–Aviv University, 1985.
6 Y. Roditty. Packing and covering of the complete graph II: The trees of order six, Ars Combinatoria, כרך 19, עמודים 81–94, 1985.
5 Y. Roditty. Packing and covering of the complete graph with a graph G of four vertices or less, J. Combin. Theory (Ser A), כרך 34, עמודים 231–243, 1983.
4 Y. Roditty. On Rolle’s theorem the mean-value theorems and applications, Int. J. Math. Edu. Sci. Technol., כרך 5, עמודים 565–571, 1982.
3 A. Bialostocki and Y. Roditty. $3K_2$-decomposition of a graph, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., כרך 40, עמודים 201–208, December 1982.
2 Y. Roditty. On covering $K_{n+1}$ by $T_1, \dotsc,T_n$ special trees, Int. J. Math. Sci. Technol., כרך 12, מספר 2, עמודים 139–142, 1981.
1 Y. Roditty. Divisibility Tests, Math. Teaching, כרך 91, 1980.