18 |
Orit Dvir Project: Solving linear and non-linear equations using genetic algorithms Date: 2015
17 |
Ziv Eliyahu Haziz Project: Indoor navigation system Date: 2015
16 |
Zohar Ben Zakan Project: Application of Genetic Algorithm in Software Testing Date: 2013
15 |
Adi Bar-Lev Project: Covering maximal area using minimal number of pictures using genetic algorithms Date: 2012
14 |
Bar Naor Project: Adaptive evolutionary planner for mobile robots Date: 2012
13 |
Hason Ran Project: Solving puzzles using genetic algorithms Date: 2011
12 |
Victor Volovic Project: Application of GA algorithms to the automatic test data generation problem Date: 2011
11 |
Roey Nitzani Project: Crossover operators comparison in Timetabling problem approximation with Genetic Algorithms Date: 2010
10 |
Eldad Mor Project: Using neuroevolution for scanning a dynamic environment Date: 2009
9 |
Michael Patlis Project: Generic algorithms and the Sokoban problem Date: 2009
8 |
Igor Rochlin Project: Software testing by genetic algorithm Date: 2009
7 |
Guy Ronen Project: Developing computer games in 3d using XNA Date: 2009
6 |
Yael-Shelly Shamla Project: Solving the TSP problem using particle swarm pptimization Date: 2009
5 |
Matan First Project: Solvin the maximal clique problem using genetic algorithms Date: 2007
4 |
Zohar Knaz Project: Application of Genetic Algorithm in Software Testing Date: 2007
3 |
Avi Cohen Project: SmarterBroker version 1.0.5 Date: 2005
2 |
Yaniv Nahum Project: Follow the leader - Vision for mobile Robot Navigation Date: 2005
1 |
Tal Ryterski Project: Graph Partitioning Using Genetic Alogorithms Date: 2005