X עב

School of Computer Science

Tel-Aviv Academic College

Dr. Nili Beck

view: formal, yearly, linear.


2 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Sigal Levy. Exercises and solution in Inferential Statistics, Opus Publication, 2012.
1 Amir Beck and Nili Guttmann-Beck. Introduction to Operations Research – Linear programming, BAK Publication, 2011.

Journal/Collection Publications

19 S. Levy, Y. Stukalin and N. Guttmann-Beck. Using Practical Programming Tasks to Enhance Combinatorial Understanding, Teaching statistics, Accepted for publication.
18 N. Guttmann-Beck, H. Meshita-Sayag and M. Stern. Achieving feasibility for clustered traveling salesman problems using PQ-trees, Networks, volume 82, number 2, pages 153–166, Wiley Online Library, 2023.
17 N. Guttmann-Beck and M. Stern. Decomposing the feasibility of Clustered Spanning Tree by Paths, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2022.
16 N. Guttmann-Beck, H. O. Brumer, Y. Shalev, E. Shvartz and M. Stern. Two Dimensional Maximum Matching using Manhattan Topology, Operations Research Letters, volume 50, number 3, pages 281-286, May 2022.
15 Sigal Levy, Nili Guttmann-Beck and Dorit Shweiki. Clustering Alzheimer’s Disease Gene Expression Dataset Reveals Underlying Sexually Dimorphic and Disease Status Profiles, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, volume 5, number 1, pages 541–547, June 30, 2021.
14 N. Guttmann-Beck, R. Rozen and M. Stern. Vertices Removal for Feasibility of Clustered Spanning Tree, Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 286, June 15, 2021.
13 Amir Beck and Nili Guttmann-Beck. FOM—a MATLAB toolbox of first-order methods for solving convex optimization problems, Optim. Methods Softw., volume 34, number 1, pages 172–193, 2019.
12 Nili Guttmann-Beck, Zeev Sorek and Michal Stern. Clustered spanning tree—conditions for feasibility, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., volume 21, number 1, pages Paper No. 15, 15, 2019.
11 Nili Guttmann-Beck, Eyal Knaan and Michal Stern. Approximation algorithms for not necessarily disjoint clustered TSP, J. Graph Algorithms Appl., volume 22, number 4, pages 555–575, 2018.
10 Esther M. Arkin, Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. The $(K,k)$-capacitated spanning tree problem, Discrete Optim., volume 9, number 4, pages 258–266, 2012.
9 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. Series-parallel orientations preserving the cycle-radius, Inform. Process. Lett., volume 112, number 4, pages 153–160, 2012.
8 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. On coloring the arcs of a tournament, covering shortest paths, and reducing the diameter of a graph, Discrete Optim., volume 8, number 2, pages 302–314, 2011.
7 Amir Beck, Aharon Ben-Tal, Nili Guttmann-Beck and Luba Tetruashvili. The CoMirror algorithm for solving nonsmooth constrained convex problems, Oper. Res. Lett., volume 38, number 6, pages 493–498, 2010.
6 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. On two restricted ancestors tree problems, Inform. Process. Lett., volume 110, number 14-15, pages 570–575, 2010.
5 N. Guttmann-Beck and R. Hassin. Approximation algorithms for minimum $K$-cut, Algorithmica, volume 27, number 2, pages 198–207, 2000.
4 N. Guttmann-Beck, R. Hassin, S. Khuller and B. Raghavachari. Approximation algorithms with bounded performance guarantees for the clustered traveling salesman problem, Algorithmica, volume 28, number 4, pages 422–437, 2000.
3 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. Approximation algorithms for min-sum $p$-clustering, Discrete Appl. Math., volume 89, number 1-3, pages 125–142, 1998.
2 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. Approximation algorithms for minimum tree partition, Discrete Appl. Math., volume 87, number 1-3, pages 117–137, 1998.
1 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. Approximation algorithms for min-max tree partition, J. Algorithms, volume 24, number 2, pages 266–286, 1997.

Conference Proceedings

3 Nili Guttmann-Beck and Michal Stern. Clustered Feasibility by Breaking’, in Proceedings of the 17th Cologne-TwenteWorkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, pages 65–68, 2019.
2 Esther M. Arkin, Nili Guttmann-Beck and Refael Hassin. The (K,k)-Capacitated Spanning Tree Problem, in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM 2010), pages 25–34, 2010.
1 N. Guttmann-Beck, R. Hassin, S. Khuller and B. Raghavachari. Approximation Algorithms with Bounded Performance Guarantees for the Clustered Traveling Salesman Problem, in Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 18th Conference, Chennai, India, December 17-19, 1998, Proceedings, volume 1530, pages 6–17, 1998.