X עב

School of Computer Science

Tel-Aviv Academic College

Prof. Shmuel (Tysh) Tyszberowicz

Prof. Shmuel (Tysh) Tyszberowicz

view: formal, yearly, linear.

Journal/Collection Publications

16 Xiong Jing-Liu, Ren Qiu-Rong, Shmuel Tyszberowicz, Liu Zhi-Ming and Liu Bo. MSA-Lab: An Integrated Design Platform for Model-driven Development of Microservices, Journal of Software, pages 2204–2031, August 2022.
15 Shmuel Tyszberowicz and David Faitelson. Emergence in Cyber Physical Systems: Potential and Risk, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, volume 21, number 11, pages 1554–1566, Springer, 2020.
14 Ferruccio Damiani, David Faitelson, Christoph Gladisch and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. A novel model-based testing approach for software product lines, Software and Systems Modeling, volume 16, number 4, pages 1223–1251, 2017.
13 David Faitelson and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Improving design decomposition (extended version), Formal Aspects of Computing, volume 29, number 4, pages 601–627, 2017.
12 Christoph Gladisch and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Specifying linked data structures in JML for combining formal verification and testing, Sci. Comput. Program., volume 107-108, pages 19–40, 2015.
11 David Bar-On and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. The DRAS Methodology, Informatica, Babes-Bolyai Journal, volume LVII, number 2, pages 83–132, 2012.
10 Bernhard Beckert, Christoph Gladisch, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. KeYGenU: combining verification-based and capture and replay techniques for regression unit testing, International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSAEM), volume 2, number 2, pages 97–113, 2011.
9 David Faitelson and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Data refinement based testing, International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSAEM), volume 2, number 2, pages 144–154, 2011.
8 Menachem Leuchter, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Yishai A. Feldman. Veriest: Reusing Verilog Designs in Esterel, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS), volume 3, number 4, pages 23–29, 2009.
7 Benny Pasternak, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. GenUTest: a unit test and mock aspect generation tool, Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., volume 11, number 4, pages 273–290, 2009, Best paper.
6 Constantin Serban, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz, Yishai A. Feldman and Naftaly H. Minsky. Developing Law-Governed Systems Using Aspects, J. Object Technol., volume 7, number 9, pages 25–46, 2008.
5 Tal Lev-Ami and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Reactive and Real-Time Systems Course: How to Get the Most Out of it, Real-Time Systems, volume 25, number 2-3, pages 231–253, 2003.
4 Shmuel Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Developing Provably Correct Systems with OBSERV, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, volume 32, number 1, pages 183 – 187, 1999, IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real Time Programming WRTP.
3 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. How to Implement a Safe Real-Time System: The OBSERV Implementation of the Production Cell Case Study, Real-Time Systems, volume 15, number 1, pages 61–90, 1998.
2 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Safe Real-Time System: The OBSERV Approach, High Integrity Systems, volume 1, number 4, pages 11–44, 1996.
1 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. OBSERV—A Prototyping Language and Environment, ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., volume 1, number 3, pages 269–309, 1992.

Conference Proceedings

58 Y. Liu, S. Tyszberowicz, Z. Liu and B. Liu. iTrustEval: A framework for software trustworthiness evaluation with an intelligent AHP-based method, in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Prague. Accepted, pages 1770-1777, October 2022.
57 B. Liu, J. Xiong, Q. Ren, S. Tyszberowicz and Z. Yang. Log2MS: a framework for automated refactoring monolith into microservices using execution logs, in IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), Barcelona, Spain, pages 391–396, July 2022.
56 Shmuel Tyszberowicz Aharon Abadi Bar Makovitzki Ron Shemer. A Lightweight Approach for Sound Call Graph Approximation, in ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), pages 1837-1844, April 2022.
55 Shiri Morshtein, Ran Ettinger and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Verifying Time Complexity of Binary Search using Dafny, in Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE), EPTCS, volume 338, pages 68–81, 2021.
54 Alexander Weigl, Mattias Ulbrich, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Jonas Klamroth. Runtime Verification of Generalized Test Tables, in NASA Formal Methods -NFM, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 12673, pages 358–374, Springer, 2021.
53 Bernhard Beckert, Mihai Herda, Michael Kirsten and Shmuel Tyszberowicz. Integration of Static and Dynamic Analysis Techniques for Checking Noninterference, in Wolfgang Ahrendt, Bernhard Beckert, Richard Bubel, Reiner Hähnle and Mattias Ulbrich (eds.), Deductive Software Verification: Future Perspectives, LNCS, volume 12345 , pages 287–312, Springer, December 4, 2020.
52 Mihai Herda, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz, Joachim Mɒssig and Bernhard Beckert. Verification-based test case generation for information-flow properties, in Chih-Cheng Hung and George A. Papadopoulos (eds.), Proceedings of the ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 2231–2238, ACM, 2019.
51 Zhiming Liu, Jonathan P. Bowen, Bo Liu, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Tingting Zhang. Software Abstractions and Human-Cyber-Physical Systems Architecture Modelling, in Jonathan P. Bowen, Zhiming Liu and Zili Zhang (eds.), Engineering Trustworthy Software Systems—International School (SETSS) Tutorial Lectures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 12154, pages 159–219, Springer, 2019.
50 Mihai Herda, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Bernhard Beckert. Using Dependence Graphs to Assist Verification and Testing of Information-Flow Properties, in Catherine Dubois and Burkhart Wolff (eds.), Tests and Proofs—International Conference TAP@STAF, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10889, pages 83–102, Springer, 2018.
49 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz, Robert Heinrich, Bo Liu and Zhiming Liu. Identifying Microservices Using Functional Decomposition, in Xinyu Feng, Markus Mɒller-Olm and Zijiang Yang (eds.), Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications International Symposium, (SETTA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10998, pages 50–65, Springer, 2018.
48 Ran Ettinger, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Shay Menaia. Efficient method extraction for automatic elimination of type-3 clones, in Martin Pinzger, Gabriele Bavota and Andrian Marcus (eds.), IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, (SANER), pages 327–337, IEEE Computer Society, 2017.
47 David Faitelson, Robert Heinrich and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Supporting Software Architecture Evolution by Functional Decomposition, in Luís Ferreira Pires, Slimane Hammoudi and Bran Selic (eds.), International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD), pages 435–442, SciTePress, 2017.
46 David Faitelson, Robert Heinrich and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Functional Decomposition for Software Architecture Evolution, in Luís Ferreira Pires, Slimane Hammoudi and Bran Selic (eds.), Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD) Revised Selected Papers, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 880, pages 377–400, Springer, 2017.
45 David Faitelson and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. UML diagram refinement (focusing on class- and use case diagrams), in Sebastián Uchitel, Alessandro Orso and Martin P. Robillard (eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 735–745, IEEE / ACM, 2017.
44 Tianhai Liu, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz, Bernhard Beckert and Mana Taghdiri. Computing Exact Loop Bounds for Bounded Program Verification, in Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Oleg Sokolsky and Ji Wang (eds.), Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications International Symposium, (SETTA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10606, pages 147–163, Springer, 2017.
43 Ran Ettinger and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Duplication for the Removal of Duplication, in International Workshop on Software Clones, IWSC@SANER, pages 53–59, IEEE Computer Society, 2016.
42 Tianhai Liu, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz, Mihai Herda, Bernhard Beckert, Daniel Grahl and Mana Taghdiri. Computing Specification-Sensitive Abstractions for Program Verification, in Martin FrȨnzle, Deepak Kapur and Naijun Zhan (eds.), Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications International Symposium, (SETTA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9984, pages 101–117, 2016.
41 David Faitelson and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Improving Design Decomposition, in Xuandong Li, Zhiming Liu and Wang Yi (eds.), Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications International Symposium, (SETTA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9409, pages 185–200, Springer, 2015.
40 Yishai A. Feldman, Ari Gam, Alex Tilkin and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Deverywhere: Develop Software Everywhere, in Aharon Abadi, Danny Dig and Yael Dubinsky (eds.), ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), pages 121–124, IEEE Computer Society, 2015.
39 Nir Koblenc and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Behavior-preserving abstraction of ESTEREL programs, in Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek and Marcin Paprzycki (eds.), Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, volume 5, pages 743–754, IEEE, 2015.
38 Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mattias Ulbrich, Christoph Gladisch, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Mana Taghdiri. JKelloy: A Proof Assistant for Relational Specifications of Java Programs, in Julia M. Badger and Kristin Yvonne Rozier (eds.), NASA Formal Methods—International Symposium (NFM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8430, pages 173–187, Springer, 2014.
37 Daniel Grunwald, Christoph Gladisch, Tianhai Liu, Mana Taghdiri and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Generating JML Specifications from Alloy Expressions, in Eran Yahav (eds.), Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, International Haifa Verification Conference, (HVC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8855, pages 99–115, Springer, 2014.
36 Nir Koblenc and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Purification of Esterel Programs, in Christiano Braga and Narciso Martí-Oliet (eds.), Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages 183–188, Springer, 2014.
35 Zeev Chared and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Projective Template-Based Code Generation, in Rébecca Deneckère and Henderik Alex Proper (eds.), International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume 998, pages 81–87, CEUR-WS.org, 2013.
34 Ferruccio Damiani, Christoph Gladisch and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Refinement-based testing of delta-oriented product lines, in Martin Plɒmicke and Walter Binder (eds.), International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on the Java Platform: Virtual Machines, Languages, and Tools (PPPJ), pages 135–140, ACM, 2013.
33 Christoph Gladisch and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Specifying a Linked Data Structure in JML for Formal Verification and Runtime Checking, in Juliano Iyoda and Leonardo Mendonça de Moura (eds.), Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications—16th Brazilian Symposium (SBMF), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8195, pages 99–114, Springer, 2013, Best paper.
32 Igor Gelfgat, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Granulated Code Generation of Interfering Functionalities, in Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek and Marcin Paprzycki (eds.), Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), pages 1333–1340, 2012.
31 David Faitelson and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Data refinement based testing, in Formal Verification Object-Oriented Systems (FoVeOOS), pages 160–175, Springer, 2010.
30 Christoph Gladisch, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz, Bernhard Beckert and Amiram Yehudai. Generating Regression Unit Tests Using a Combination of Verification and Capture & Replay, in Gordon Fraser and Angelo Gargantini (eds.), Tests and Proofs—International Conference TAP@TOOLS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6143, pages 61–76, Springer, 2010.
29 David Bar-On and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Derived Requirements Generation, in International Workshop on Aspects, Dependencies and Interactions (ADI, affiliated to ECOOP), pages 5–10, Springer, 2007.
28 David Bar-On and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Derived Requirements Generation: The DRAS Methodology, in IEEE International Conference on Software-Science, Technology & Engineering (SwSTE), pages 116–126, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
27 Yishai A. Feldman, Maayan Goldstein and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Refactoring with Contracts, in Danny Dig (eds.), Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT), pages 13–14, 2007.
26 M. Kleyman, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Refactoring Aspects into Java Code, in IEEE International Conference on Software-Science, Technology & Engineering (SwSTE), pages 35–47, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
25 Menachem Leuchter and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. How to verify Verliog designs, in Internation Conference Software Engineering Advanced ( ICSEA ), 2007.
24 Menachem Leuchter, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Yishai A. Feldman. Reusing Verilog Designs in the Synchronous Language Esterel, in Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pages 871–881, 2007.
23 Dor Nir, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Locating Regression Bugs, in Karen Yorav (eds.), Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, International Haifa Verification Conference, (HVC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4899, pages 218–234, Springer, 2007.
22 Benny Pasternak, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. GenUTest: A Unit Test and Mock Aspect Generation Tool, in Karen Yorav (eds.), Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, International Haifa Verification Conference, (HVC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4899, pages 252–266, Springer, 2007.
21 Assaf Raman and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. The EasyCRC Tool, in International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), pages 52, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
20 Constantin Serban and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. AspectJTamer: The Controlled Weaving of Independently Developed Aspects, in IEEE International Conference on Software-Science, Technology & Engineering, (SwSTE), pages 57–65, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
19 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. The modular approach of a real-time course, in Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pages 653–655, 2007.
18 Yishai A. Feldman, Ohad Barzilay and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Jose: Aspects for Design by Contract, in Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM), pages 80–89, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
17 Maayan Goldstein, Yishai A. Feldman and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Refactoring with Contracts, in Joseph Chao, Mike Cohn, Frank Maurer, Helen Sharp and James Shore (eds.), AGILE Conference, pages 53–64, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
16 Constantin Serban and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Enforcing Interaction Properties in AOSD-Enabled Systems, in International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), pages 8, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
15 Alexander Nyßen, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Thomas Weiler. Are Aspects useful for Managing Variability in Software Product Lines? A Case Study, in Aspects and software product lines : an early aspects workshop at (SPLC)), pages 80–89, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
14 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Constraining Aspect Usage, in Software engineering Properties for Languages and Aspect Technologies (SPLAT), in AOSD, pages 80–89, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
13 Ohad Barzilay, Yishai A. Feldman, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Call and Execution Semantics in AspectJ, in n C. Clifton Ralf LȨmmel and Gary T. Leavens (eds.), Foundation Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL), in AOSD, pages 80–89, IEEE Computer Society, 2004.
12 Boris Litvak, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Consistency Validation of UML Diagrams, in Ragnhild Van Der Straeten amd Andreas Speck, Elke Pulvermüller, Matthias Clauß and Andreas Pleuss (eds.), Correctness of Model-based Software Composition (CMC), In Association with ECOOP, pages 45–54, 2003.
11 Boris Litvak, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Behavioral Consistency Validation of UML Diagrams, in International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM), pages 118–125, IEEE Computer Society, 2003.
10 Naomi Sapir, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Extending UML with Aspect Usage Constraints in the Analysis and Design Phases, in Mohamed Kandé, Omar Aldawud, Grady Booch and Bill Harrison (eds.), Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling with UML, 2002.
9 Shmuel Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Developing Provably Correct Systems, in 24th IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real Time Programming WRTP, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, volume 32, number 1, pages 183–187, May 1999.
8 Ran Lotenberg and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Student Projects in Reactive and Real-Time Systems Course, in Real-Time Systems Education Workshop (RTEW), pages 61–66, IEEE, 1998.
7 Gilad Koren and Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz. Graduate Course: Reactive and Real-Time Systems, in Real-Time Systems Education Workshop (RTEW), pages 96–103, IEEE, 1997.
6 Reinhard Budde, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Using Prolog for the design and implementation of OBSERV — a prototyping methodology and environment, in International Conference on the Practical Applications of Prolog (PAP'94), pages 111–122, IEEE, 1994.
5 Aviv Cohen, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. OBSERV/CRUISE – A CASE environment for prototyping of complex systems, in CASE Workshop, pages 77–122, IEEE, 1991.
4 Aviv Cohen, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. Specification of user-interfaces using CRUISE/OBSERV, in International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pages 104–109, IEEE, 1991.
3 Aviv Cohen, Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. CRUISE-CReative User Interface for Software Engineering: An Overview, in International Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, pages 298–306, IEEE, 1990.
2 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. OBSERV – A Prototyping Language and Environment Combining Object Oriented Approach, State Machines and Logic Programming, in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. 2, pages 247–256, IEEE, 1990.
1 Shmuel S. Tyszberowicz and Amiram Yehudai. OBSERV — Object-oriented Based Specification, Execution and Rapid Validation system, in Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, pages 96–106, IEEE, 1988.